Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Moderate Third Party

America needs Moderate Third Party,

It's been awhile since I posted, but wanted to remind everyone not to get complacent and discouraged with our present political climate. I believe that we create the world around us. We have the ability to change what happens in our immediate life more quickly then something that involves the whole country. It takes strong will and character to stand strong, while it appears nothing seems to change. We have the ability to make changes with the elections that are coming up this year. I'm not going to endorse anyone here on this post, but did want to express that we should not vote based on party. Our two party system needs some major changes with new blood, preferable a Moderate Third Party with a platform on the issue's. I imagine and visualize that reality happening in my life time.

Right now we have some independent candidates that are on the ballot that we need to seriously look at and not just go up to the political trough as usual. When you vote don't worry if your vote doesn't end up being for the person that wins, VOTE for the person that represents you and your views and let it be.

Here are some of the Independent Texas candidates that have filed in 2010.


If you need reminder of who your Texas elected officials are, you can key in your address on this web site.


We need to send both parties out of town and replace with fresh perspective and outlook.

Support Moderate Third Party
